Do you think it is equally important to care about the nature and environment while generating profits?
If yes, you must know about the fact that solar dryer not only makes you profit but also it helps to achieve some important sustainable development goals that all the countries of the world are targeting. Before knowing how to achieve, let us understand what United Nations Sustainable development goals are.
What is Sustainable development goals (SDGs)?
The world is battling with many problems pertaining to poverty, hunger, education, environment and economy. To address all such issues, the United Nations member states in the year 2015 adopted ‘The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development’. In global partnership all developed and developing countries are on an urgent call for action to achieve 17 sustainable development goals. This includes strategies to improve health and education, diminish inequality, boost economic growth, reduce poverty and hunger conjointly working to preserve our environment by tackling climate change.

How greenhouse solar dryer can achieve SDGs?
1. SDG 1 – No Poverty

Greenhouse solar is used by farmers and small scale food producers to dry products like fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains, marine products etc. Most of the farmers in the world are poor and suffer from economic loss due to inefficient storage practices. The products dried in greenhouse solar dryer can be stored for longer time due to its efficient engineering. The food producers can no longer suffer post-harvest losses. The products are of superior quality which can be sold at high price in the marker. It helps to develop the economy of the farmers reducing poverty.
2. SDG 3 – Good health and well-being

Products dried in solar dryer are of high quality. The nutrients are preserved by not allowing UV rays and dried under hygienic environment protecting from insect invasion. This ensures food security and good health.
3. SDG 4 – Quality Education

When the poverty is reduced and acquired good health, people can concentrate on giving quality education to their children.
4. SDG 5 – Gender Gap

Women suffer a lot due to inequality in work, wage and opportunity. Installation of greenhouse solar dryer in larger capacity gives rise to new employment opportunities to both men and women. Hence, reducing the gender gap.
5. SDG 7 – Affordable And Clean Energy

Greenhouse solar dryer is run by solar energy. Hence, installation of solar dryer will increase the percentage share of renewable energy in the heating sector which is now only 9.2% of total energy share. Increasing renewable energy share is the most important target of SDG7.
6. SDG 13 – Climate Action

Greenhouse solar dryer can reduce 34% of carbon dioxide emission which helps in the climate change mitigation. Climate change in short is the change in weather pattern and increase in Earth’s temperature due to the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). To read more about climate change click here.
The sustainable development goals are very ambitious that cannot be achieved without the involvement of every individual, every nation, every business and every government. In a nutshell greenhouse solar dryer is a small step one can take to achieve greater sustainable development goals such as poverty reduction, economic growth, clean energy to all and climate action. For more information on types of solar dryers click here.
Should you have any inquiries on Solar dryer, its installation, sustainable project development, we are here to assist you with innovative solutions. Click here to get free gifts and free consultation!